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UKBA raid in search for illegal immigrants

New UK Visa Rules Kick In

The UK immigration authorities have made changes to laws to better accommodate foreign immigrants as well as give a boost to tourism in view of the Olympics.
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange Blasts Obama via Video Speech on UN

WikiLeaks Begins Publishing Stratfor E-Mails

International whistle-blowing Web site WikiLeaks has begun publishing confidential e-mails from a U.S.-based global intelligence company, Strategic Forecasting Inc. (Stratfor).
The Pirate Bay

Pirate Bay Faces UK Ban after High Court Ruling [VIDEO]

Pirate Bay, the world's most resilient torrent tracking and file-sharing Web site could soon be forced to bid farewell to Britain after a court ruling upheld an Internet Service Provider's (ISP) decision to ban the Web site in the near future.
Report: Aussies Use Other Social Media Sites Longer Than Facebook

Facebook Hacking Lands New York Student in Jail

A British Student, Glenn Mangham, 26, has allegedly stolen valuable information after breaking into the heart of Facebook. The talented hacker had earlier pointed out security loopholes with the Yahoo website and apparently won an appreciation award from the firm for his noble work as ethical hacker.

Court Gives Internet Freedom a Leg Up

The European Court of Justice has decisively ruled out implementation of anti-piracy filter by social-networking sites to stall copyrighted content from being uploaded on their sites. The ruling involves a case filed against Netlog by a Belgian music royalties firm, Sabam.