Best Cydia repos or sources for iOS 9-9.0.2 revealed

The Pangu jailbreak developer team recently released a stable version (v1.0.1) of its tool for all devices running iOS 9 through iOS 9.0.2, which also brings a handful of bug-fixes for installation and post-update problems. With several jailbreak tweaks now being made compatible with the latest Pangu 9 jailbreak, the time is ripe to explore the best Cydia repos and sources available online.
IBTimes UK brings you a rundown of the top 10 cydia repos and sources for devices jailbroken on iOS 9 through 9.0.2:
Ryan Petrich's repo (Source URL:
The popular Ryan Petrich's repo brings staple jailbreak apps such as the Activator, besides offering experimental software builds that are based on Apple's newest technologies within iOS.
CP Digital Darkroom repo (Source: )
If you are looking to exploit some powerful multitasking features from iOS 9 on your iPad Air 2, iPad mini 4 or iPad Pro then you should definitely add this repo to your Cydia source-list. Besides, you may want to try out the Medusa tweak from this repo, which enables advanced features like Picture-in-Picture and Split View mode on unsupported iPhones and iPads.
This repo is also home to the new Shortcuts tweak that enables 3D Touch Quick Actions menu on native as well as third-party iOS apps.
iCleaner Pro repo (Stable URL:, Beta URL: )
The iCleaner Pro repos from the popular developer Ivano Bilenchi are classified into two sub-groups namely stable and beta releases for avid jailbreakers. The first repo brings stable jailbreak app releases such as iCleaner and iCleaner Pro for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, while the second one offers "bleeding edge software" releases in beta stage, which may not be fully functional or bug-free.
iMokhles repo (Source:
This is an extremely lightweight repo with its specialisation apps focused on bringing advanced 3D Touch functionality to older iOS hardware that are no longer supported by Apple. For instance, you may try downloading the RevealMenu package to explore new 3D Touch features of iOS 9 on your jailbroken device.
HASHBANG Productions repo (Source:
HASHBANG Productions repo is one of the most renowned repos with access to a plethora of highly-useful packages including BrightVol, DailyPaper, MapsOpener and StoreAlert. All these utilities are confirmed to be fully compatible with iOS 9 devices.
Karen's Pineapple repo (Source:
Karen aka angelxwind is the popular developer of webstack packages for advanced iOS users, who crave for powerful system utilities such as AppSync Unified, SafariSaver, IneffectivePower and PreferenceOrganizer 2.
F.lux official repo (Source:
Being one of the best Cydia repos, the F.lux repo brings utilities to improve the overall viewing experience on any iOS device. The latest iteration also adds support for iOS 9 jailbroken devices.
Philip Wong's repo (Source: )
Philip Wong is an extremely popular personality in the jailbreak community with his highly sought after Speed Intensifier package updates that speed up the native iOS animations to enhance user experience by a notch. His tweak was the first to support iOS 9 among all other tweaks available for download via Cydia.
[Source: Redmond Pie]
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