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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 London launch party

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Launch Party Pictures

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was released worldwide on Tuesday, and parties in London, Paris and Berlin launched the game with a bang. The IBTimes went along to the London launch party, which featured Danny Wallis, Jason Bradbury, footballer Joey Barton and the cast of 'The Only Way Is Essex'.
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Nintendo Wii U to be Company's Last Console, Analysts Suggest

With Nintendo's latest financial statement confirming a further slump in revenue, analysts have come to question whether Nintendo will be able to continue developing consoles, suggesting the company may be forced to go the way of SEGA and re-focus its efforts to third-party software development.
Blackberry smartphones are pictured in this illustration photo taken in Berlin

RIM Offers Free Apps for BlackBerry Outages

RIM - BlackBerry's maker - announced Monday that more than $100 worth of premium apps will be available for free for BlackBerry users who were affected by the outages last week.
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