Game Of Thrones season 5: Where season 4 left off and what to expect next

The wait for Game Of Thrones season five is almost over with just hours to go until the premiere episode graces screens and we find out what has happened to the likes of Jon Snow, Tyrion Lannister, Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen.
After the events of the season four, which featured another ill-fated wedding, back-stabbing, battles and dragons-gone-bad, most viewers have needed the past year to recover from all the theatrics.
But it is time again to delve into the land of Westeros, so IBTimes UK recaps on season four and what to look forward to in season five...
What happened in season four?
Poor King Joffrey did not even make it until the end of his wedding reception as he was so cruelly poisoned after cutting the cake. His killer was later revealed to be Lady Olenna, the grandmother of his widowed wife Margaery Tyrell, but poor Tyrion Lannister got the blame.
After spending days in a dungeon jail and a trial that resulted in the Imp demanded a trial by combat, Oberyn Martell from Dorne offered himself up as Tyrion's champion during the battle, but he was defeated by The Mountain, which resulted in a gruesome death.
With the help of his caring brother Jaime Lannister and the elusive Varys, Tyrion was able to escape his death sentence but later murdered his father, Tywin Lannister, with a crossbow while he was on the toilet after learning that he had been sleeping with his lover, Shae.

Elsewhere, Sansa Stark fled King's Landing after Joffrey's death but ended up with an equally conniving friend in Littlefinger aka Petyr Baelish. They both sought refuge with her aunt Lysa at the Eyrie, but disaster struck when Littlefinger chucked Lysa through that terrifying Moon Door, leaving the former brothel-owner free to manipulate the lonely Stark.
As for Sansa's little sister Arya Stark, the youngster suffered the death of her travelling friend and foe The Hound. She briefly gained another acquaintance in Brienne of Tarth but in the end, she found herself alone on a ship heading toward Braavos - coincidentally, Tyrion also left on a ship.
Poor Jon Snow had his heart broken when the love - and pain - of his life Ygritte died in the battle against The Wall, but he had some consolation in the fact that the Night's Watch managed to defeat the Wildlings. Galloping to his rescue was Stannis Baratheon who now has Wildling leader Mance Vader in his possession.
Also, Daenerys began losing control of her Dragons who strayed too far from the nest and killed two small children, while she also lost a friend in Ser Jorah who was revealed to be a spy sent from King's Landing.
What will happen in season five?
It appears that Oberyn's family will make their debut. His children, the Sand Snakes, will reportedly strive to avenge their father's death and viewers will also meet his brother Doran Martell.
Who are these Sand Snake people, you ask? Among them are Nymeria Sand (Star Wars actress Jessica Henwick) is the second oldest of Oberyn's children and is expected to visit King's Landing, while Obara Sand (Oscar-nominee Keisha Castle-Hughes) is another of the prince's daughters keen to exact revenge.
Another character from Dorne whom viewers will meet is Areo Hatah, Doran Martell's guard - and simply put, he looks badass.
With Varys having left King's Landing with Tyrion, there's space for fresh characters in the city so prepare to meet the new High Septon, High Sparrow, played by Jonathan Pryce.
Little is known about the fate of the other players in Westeros, but it is most likely that Theon Greyjoy aka Reek is still being brainwashed by the Boltons, while Cersei Lannister is probably struggling to cope without her beloved son Joffrey. The queen regent also has to grin and bare the fact that Margaery Tyrell will most likely marry her youngest son, King Tommen.
Season five looks set to be pretty heavily focused in Dorne and there are even rumours that Jaime Lannister will be swapping King's Landing for the mysterious city.
Whatever happens, in true Game Of Thrones tradition, you can bet it will not be pretty!
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