Mortal Kombat producer leaves Twitter after threats of sexual violence against family

Long-time Mortal Kombat producer Shaun Himmerick has revealed he will be leaving social media following threats being made against him and his family. On Twitter he said: "I cannot deal with the threats of violence to my wife and now young daughter. Threats of sexual violence are even more disturbing."
As well as announcing his intention to leave Twitter in a series of tweets posted below, Himmerick also changed his handle to "come on people". In those tweets he details the reasoning why, saying it's not to do with fans constantly asking about Mortal Kombat X.
"That is passion and love for the Mortal Kombat and I also have that. So I get it. No problem. I'm glad people care about their favourites," he wrote.
So to be clear. The reason I don't want to do this twitter anymore is not fans asking for characters or hints or whatever. I get that ->
— come on people (@lover_of_tacos) March 27, 2015
That is passion and love for the Mortal Kombat and I also have that. So I get it. No problem. I'm glad people care about their favorites ->
— come on people (@lover_of_tacos) March 27, 2015
I used to be thick skinned enough for the random personal attacks. I'm a big boy I can handle it. I've been in my share of fights. ->
— come on people (@lover_of_tacos) March 27, 2015
You wanna fight me for Any reason. I'm probably willing to go, verbally or physically. I can hold my own. But threats on my ladies? No
— come on people (@lover_of_tacos) March 27, 2015
Sadly, abuse is common on Twitter, with the social media company constantly on the receiving end of criticism for not dealing with it effectively. Earlier this year Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said: "We suck at handling abuse.
"I'm frankly ashamed of how poorly we've dealt with this issue during my tenure as CEO. It's absurd. There's no excuse for it. I take full responsibility for not being more aggressive on this front. It's nobody's fault but mine, and it's embarrassing."
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