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Munich, Germany

Alluring Christmas Markets of the World

According to, the market in the German city of Munich is one of the best in the world, followed by the one in the Strasbourg Cathedral in France.
India's Catholics

Catholic Church Tells Indians to Have More Children

With India's population greater than that of the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Bangladesh combined, the Roman Catholic church has urged the devout to increase the numbers of Christians in the country.
Pope Benedict XVI leads a mass at the Cuatro Vientos aerodrome as part of World Youth Day festivities in Madrid

Church Abuse Victims Complaint: Should the Pope be Tried at The Hague?

Pope Benedict XVI could end up at the Hague after human rights lawyers and victims of clergy sexual abuse filed a complaint Tuesday calling for the International Criminal Court in The Hague to investigate and prosecute the catholic cleric along with three other top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity and covering up and condoning the rape and sexual assault of children by priests.
The BBC is the UK's Olympics broadcast rights holder

BBC to air ‘Choosing to Die’

BBC 2 will air 'Choosing to Die' at 9pm on Monday evening sparking widespread condemnation from officials and licence payers. The film 'Choosing to Die' is a documentary about Peter Swedley, a motor neurone suffer who is chosen to take his own life in Switzerland. The film shows the last breath of Peter Swedley before he passes away. The film is designed to highlight the suffering of people with terminal disease and to illustrate the tremendous heart break and strain such diseases pl...
Anglican Church clears the way for gay bishops

Are Dr Rowan Williams Criticisms of the Coalition a Step too far?

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams has launched a fierce criticism of the coalition government's education and health reforms as well as questioning whether the coalition government has a mandate to govern. The severity of the attack on the government took Prime Minster David Cameron and other senior ministers by surprise, with last summer's Conservative-Lib Dem coalition agreement coming under severe public scrutiny.