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Apple Sued in China for Patent Infringement over Siri [VIDEO]

Apple Sued in China for Patent Infringement over Siri [VIDEO]

Apple seems to be in hot water amid a spate of corporate lawsuits being contested in several countries across the globe. The company's recent accomplishment of getting Samsung's Galaxy Nexus banned in US may seem to be a consolation win, as it now faces serious allegations of patent infringement over Siri's intellectual copyrights.
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Banned in US

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Banned in US

Samsung Galaxy Nexus attracts a sales ban in US following a Californian judge ruling in favour of Apple in the ensuing patent dispute.
Google's new privacy policy

Attorney-Generals Challenge Google's New Privacy Policy

Attorneys-General from 36 U.S. states have raised concerns over potential security and privacy implications of Google's new privacy policy. The Internet search engine giant's new unified privacy policy has been touted as having fraud and security implications, especially for government users and Android smartphone owners.

Proview Now Sues Apple in California Court

Despite losing the case against Apple in a Shanghai court on Thursday, the Chinese display manufacturing company Proview has taken the legal battle over the iPad trademark to a California court.

Microsoft Charges Google With Patent Abuse

After Apple, it is Microsoft which has accused Google of patent misuse. Microsoft has charged the search engine giant with misusing standard essential patents to gain supremacy in the mobile phone market. Microsoft has sought the aid of European regulators to investigate the alleged unfair use of patents.
The Pirate Bay

Pirate Bay Faces UK Ban after High Court Ruling [VIDEO]

Pirate Bay, the world's most resilient torrent tracking and file-sharing Web site could soon be forced to bid farewell to Britain after a court ruling upheld an Internet Service Provider's (ISP) decision to ban the Web site in the near future.
Slide to Unlock

Apple Wins ‘Slide to Unlock’ Patent Battle With Motorola

Apple has won its first ever patent dispute against Motorola Mobility, as the German court ruled the lawsuit in favour of the U.S. corporate giant. The judgment marks Apple's supremacy over its Android rivals with autonomy over 'Slide to Unlock' feature of smartphones.
Report: Aussies Use Other Social Media Sites Longer Than Facebook

Facebook Hacking Lands New York Student in Jail

A British Student, Glenn Mangham, 26, has allegedly stolen valuable information after breaking into the heart of Facebook. The talented hacker had earlier pointed out security loopholes with the Yahoo website and apparently won an appreciation award from the firm for his noble work as ethical hacker.

Court Gives Internet Freedom a Leg Up

The European Court of Justice has decisively ruled out implementation of anti-piracy filter by social-networking sites to stall copyrighted content from being uploaded on their sites. The ruling involves a case filed against Netlog by a Belgian music royalties firm, Sabam.
iPad China

Apple Threatened with iPad Ban in China

Amazon has shutdown its iPad sales on the China website in the wake of mounting pressure from Apple and customs officials on impending iPad bans with unauthorized sales in China.
An XDA forum member has complied an image of the Jelly Bean ROM, which is flashable on the existing GSM Galaxy Nexus via ClockworkMod Recovery.

Apple Seeks U.S. Ban on Samsung Galaxy Nexus

Samsung is once again in the thick of a legal wrangle with Apple. The Cupertino, Calif.-based tech giant invoked a preliminary injunction against the Samsung Galaxy Nexus, on Thursday, at a U.S. court.
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